Tweaking the backend navigation
Sometimes a website grows and the backend navigation looks utterly confusing. Lets say, you have a yoga studio.
- Yoga Institute
- About us
- Teacher
- Rental
- Services
- Program
- Courses
- Workshops and Seminars
- Education
- Massages
- Personal yoga
- Business yoga
- Prices
- Booking
- Contact
- Registration
- Directions
- Imprint
- Data protection
The flat structure is no good readable in the backend. It would be nice to nest the navigation items like this:
- Yoga Institute
- About us
- Teacher
- Rental
- Services
- Program
- Courses
- Workshops and Seminars
- Education
- Massages
- Personal yoga
- Business yoga
- Prices
- Booking
- Contact
- Registration
- Directions
- Imprint
- Data protection
Fortunately, with just a few lines of code, you can create this order in CouchCMS. You have to edit the couch/addons/kfunctions.php
if( defined('K_ADMIN') ){
$FUNCS->add_event_listener( 'register_admin_menuitems', 'my_register_admin_menuitems' );
function my_register_admin_menuitems(){
global $FUNCS;
$FUNCS->register_admin_menuitem( array('name'=>'yoga-institute', 'title'=>'Yoga Institute', 'is_header'=>'1', 'weight'=>'0') );
$FUNCS->register_admin_menuitem( array('name'=>'services', 'title'=>'Services', 'is_header'=>'1', 'weight'=>'0') );
$FUNCS->register_admin_menuitem( array('name'=>'contact', 'title'=>'Contact', 'is_header'=>'1', 'weight'=>'0') );
Then you have to edit your template like this:
<cms:template title='About us' parent='yoga-institute' icon='people' />
<cms:template title='Directions' parent='contact' icon='location' />
If you edit all templates this way, you got a well-structured, collapsable backend navigation. Don’t forget to use some memorable icons, you find an overview on Open Iconic.