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The addslashes has become a necessary addition to escape characters. Very helpful in many situations where a mixture of single and double quotes creates problems. For instance, use it with php tag where a PHP variable is usually set by Couch statements.


  • unnamed
  • quote (optional)


Default value is double for the double quotes to be escaped. Alternative value is single.

<cms:addslashes quote='single'><cms:show test /></cms:addslashes>


set PHP variables

<cms:set test="O'Reilly" />
<cms:show test />
    //$test = '<cms:show test />'; // this throws parse error because the value being set contains a single-quote (which is also used to surround the statement)
    $test = '<cms:addslashes quote='single'><cms:show test /></cms:addslashes>'; //default is 'double'
    echo '<h1>' . $test . '</h1>';

build JSON

Extremely helpful in getting Couch data as json to keep output correctly formatted e.g.

<cms:content_type "application/json"/>
    <cms:pages masterpage='products.php' skip_custom_fields='1'>
         "name":"<cms:addslashes><cms:show k_page_title/></cms:addslashes>",
         "link":"<cms:addslashes><cms:show k_page_link/></cms:addslashes>"
       }<cms:if "<cms:not k_paginated_bottom/>">,</cms:if>