The break tag can be used to abort a loop set by ‘cms:each’:
<cms:each myvar >
<cms:if mycond>
<cms:break />
<cms:each '1,2,3,4,5' startcount='1' sep=','>
<p>Chapter <cms:show k_count/></p>
<cms:if k_count = '3' ><cms:break /><p>End of story.</p></cms:if>
<cms:if k_count = '3' >
<p>New beginning? Hardly so.</p>
In this elementary example only the first 3 iterations (starting with 1) will allow the ‘cms:show’ to execute.
Code above produces following output –
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
End of story.
Note: ‘cms:break’ effect kicks in after the HTML for the wrapping (parent) condition has been evaluated and output generated.
The next condition will have an effect of break in fullest, hence the story ends right there, before the new beginning.
Presented with arrays, JSON, large texts, comma-separated strings or sets of numbers – again, those are very simple examples, – it won’t be a problem to extract a few values.
This tag is self-closing and does not set any variables of its own.