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The get_field tag can be used to fetch the value contained within any editable region defined within any template.

This tag replaces the existing <cms:get_custom_field> tag which is deprecated. Unlike the <cms:get_custom_field> tag, this new tag works with almost all custom field types and also system fields. It takes the same parameters as its older counterpart but can also be used as a tag-pair.


  • var
  • masterpage
  • page


The name of the editable region the value of which is to be fetched.


The name of the template that defines the editable region. This parameter is mandatory.


The name of the page that contains the editable region.
For non-clonable pages this parameter can be skipped.

Examples -


<cms:get_field 'address' masterpage='contact.php' />

The code above is for non-clonable templates. The example fetches the 'address' field from 'contact.php' template.


<cms:get_field 'content' masterpage='news.php' page='some-news' />

The code above is for clonable templates. The example fetches the 'content' field from a page named 'some-news' belonging to the 'news.php' template.


<cms:get_field 'images' masterpage='news.php' page='some-news' >
    <cms:show_repeatable k_field_name >

Code above fetches a ‘repeatable-region’ named ‘images’ from a clonable template’s page.
Please notice that this was not possible with .


This tag is self-closing and does not set any variables of its own.