The call tag executes a function with optional parameters. It is a self-closed tag and if used as a tag-pair will not execute anything enclosed within.
Call invokes both named functions and anonymous functions (those stored in a variable).
The very first parameter is invariably expected to be the name of the called function or variable (for anonymous functions).
As for the rest, call takes any number of named/unnamed parameters (either literal strings or variables).
Note: Unnamed parameters must appear in the same order, defined by func tag. Named parameters can appear in any order.
<cms:func 'makecoffee' type='cappuccino' size='medium'>
Making a <cms:show size /> cup of <cms:show type />.<br />
<cms:call 'makecoffee' />
=> Making a medium cup of cappuccino.<br />
<cms:call 'makecoffee' 'espresso' 'large' />
=> Making a large cup of espresso.<br />
<cms:call 'makecoffee' size='small' type='espresso' />
=> Making a small cup of espresso.<br />
Anonymous functions are stored in a variable, hence we supply the variable itself without quotes i.e. passing by value, not by name.
<cms:func _into='my_cond' previous_work_experience=''>
<cms:if previous_work_experience='Yes'>show<cms:else />hide</cms:if>
<cms:call my_cond previous_work_experience='Yes' />
=> show
Sets no variables of its own.
Related Tags
- An exemplar tutorial on using functions as well as examples are in this post
- Invoking anonymous functions in Conditional Fields is explained in tutorial in this topic