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The parentfolders tag enumerates all the ancestor folders of a given folder.

<cms:parentfolders folder='china' >
    <a href="<cms:show k_folder_link/>"><cms:show k_folder_title/></a>&nbsp;>

The snippet above will iterate through all the ancestor folders of the folder named ‘china’, starting from the topmost ancestor.

Please see Core Concepts - Folders for more info.


  • folder
  • masterpage


The folder the parents of which are to be enumerated.


The template containing the folder above. If skipped, the template of the current executing page is used.


At each iteration, this tag sets variables that describe the parent folder being enumerated.

  • k_folder_id
  • k_folder_name
  • k_folder_title
  • k_folder_desc
  • k_folder_link
  • k_folder_pagecount
  • k_folder_totalpagecount
  • k_level