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The <cms:extends>-Tag import an text file and gives you the ability in context with the <cms:block>-tag to extends it.


  • unnamed

The first parameter is unnamed (i.e. only the value is passed) and the path of the text file.



<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title><cms:block 'title'></cms:block> - My Webpage</title>
        <div id="content"><cms:block 'content'></cms:block></div>


<cms:extends 'parent.html' />

<cms:block 'title' >Index</cms:block>

<cms:block 'content' >
    <p class="important">
        Welcome on my awesome homepage.

Important The statement absolutely needs to be the very first line in the child statement or things will not work.

We we cannot actually make a ‘template’ inherit another ‘template’ (i.e. don’t try putting the statement directly within a 'template' and expect it to inherit another 'template'). We have to use 'snippets' for that. A 'template' can only call a 'snippet' using .

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