Link Search Menu Expand Document


The link tag can be used to dynamically generate appropriate links to the various views of a template.

Never hard code links yourself because the links are different depending on whether or not pretty-urls are enabled.

Home view

<a href="<cms:link masterpage='news.php' />" >Testing Link tag</a>

Page view

<a href="<cms:link masterpage='news.php' page='first-news-item' />" >Testing Link tag</a>

Folder view

<a href="<cms:link masterpage='news.php' folder='entertainment' />" >Testing Link tag</a>

Archive view

<a href="<cms:link masterpage='news.php' year='2010' />" >Testing Link tag</a>

<a href="<cms:link masterpage='news.php' year='2010' month='8' />" >Testing Link tag</a>

<a href="<cms:link masterpage='news.php' year='2010' month='8' day='17' />" >Testing Link tag</a>

If multiple parameters are given, the page-view will be given priority over the folder-view and the folder-view will be given priority over the archive-view. The home-view link will be generated only when no other parameter (except the mandatory _masterpage_) is given.


  • masterpage
  • page
  • folder
  • year
  • month
  • day


This tag is self-closing and does not set any variables of its own.