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The Set tag is used to put some value in a variable. The variable, if not already present, is created.
(This tag is the counterpart of Show tag which is used to display set variables)

The following example will create a variable called ‘greeting’ and set its value to ‘Hello’

<cms:set greeting='Hello' />

The following will create another variable known as ‘message’ and set its value to ‘Hello’

<cms:set message=greeting />

As with all other tags, nested tags may be used in parameters (taking care to use double quotes).
The following will set the value of ‘message’ to ‘Hello World’.

<cms:set message="<cms:show greeting /> World" />

A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. Set cannot be used to set system variables (i.e. those that begin with prefix ‘k_’).


The first parameter, as illustrated above, is mandatory and is used to set a named variable to a certain value. The tag also uses an optional unnamed (i.e. only the value can be provided).

  • scope
  • is_json


The second parameter defines the scope within which the variable will be set.

<cms:set message='hello' scope='global' />

The above is the same as

<cms:set message='hello' 'global' />

Here ‘global’ defines the scope of ‘message’ variable

The valid values for this second parameter are -

  • local
  • parent
  • global


The content of the tag is in json format and the variable is converted into a multi-string array.

<cms:set i18 = '
    "en" : {
        "app" : {
            "greet" : "Hello!"
    "es" : {
        "app" : {
            "greet" : "Hola!"
' is_json='1' />

<cms:set lang='es' />
<cms:get "i18.<cms:show lang />.app.greet" /><br>

<cms:set lang='en' />
<cms:get "i18.<cms:show lang />.app.greet" /><br>

Moving on and extending your example a bit:

<cms:set climate.India='[]' is_json='1' />
<cms:set climate.India.Mumbai='pleasant' />
<cms:set climate.India.Delhi='moderate' />

<cms:set climate.Miami = 'great' />

Climate in Mumbai: <cms:show climate.India.Mumbai /><br>
Climate in Delhi: <cms:show climate.India.Delhi /><br>
Climate in Miami: <cms:show climate.Miami /><br>


This tag does not set any variables of its own.