The date tag outputs a string according to the given format parameter using the given date parameter. If no date provided, the current time is used.
<cms:date />
<cms:date k_page_date />
<cms:date k_page_date format='jS M, Y' />
- date
- format
- gmt
- locale
- charset
The date to be formated.
This parameter is expected to be in ‘Y-m-d H:i:s’ format (e.g. 2010-05-30 21:35:54). All date related variables set by Couch tags, e.g. k_page_date, k_page_modification_date, k_archive_date etc., are in this format.
If date is omitted, current date is taken with regard to variable ‘K_GMT_OFFSET’ from CouchCMS configuration file (config.php).
The date tag supports two different types of format characters - locale-aware and non locale-aware.
With locale-aware characters, you can specify that the date is to formatted according to, for example, french locale or italian locale by setting the locale parameter.
The locale-aware characters all have a % sign prefixed to them.
If parameter format is omitted the default is assumed i.e. format='F d, Y'
The locale-aware and the non locale-aware characters cannot be intermixed.
Non Locale-aware format characters
Format character | Description | Example returned values |
Day | -– | -– |
d | Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros | 01 to 31 |
D | A textual representation of a day, three letters | Mon through Sun |
j | Day of the month without leading zeros | 1 to 31 |
l (lowercase ‘L’) | A full textual representation of the day of the week | Sunday through Saturday |
N | ISO 8601 numeric representation of the day of the week | 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday) |
S | English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters | st, nd, rd or th. Works well with j |
w | Numeric representation of the day of the week | 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) |
z | The day of the year (starting from 0) | 0 through 365 |
Week | -– | -– |
W | ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday | Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year) |
Month | -– | -– |
F | A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March | January through December |
m | Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros | 01 through 12 |
M | A short textual representation of a month, three letters | Jan through Dec |
n | Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros | 1 through 12 |
t | Number of days in the given month | 28 through 31 |
Year | -– | -– |
L | Whether it’s a leap year | 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise. |
o | ISO 8601 week-numbering year. This has the same value as Y, except that if the ISO week number (W) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. | Examples: 1999 or 2003 |
Y | A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits | Examples: 1999 or 2003 |
y | A two digit representation of a year | Examples: 99 or 03 |
Time | -– | -– |
a | Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem | am or pm |
A | Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem | AM or PM |
B | Swatch Internet time | 000 through 999 |
g | 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros | 1 through 12 |
G | 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros | 0 through 23 |
h | 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros | 01 through 12 |
H | 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros | 00 through 23 |
i | Minutes with leading zeros | 00 to 59 |
s | Seconds, with leading zeros | 00 through 59 |
Timezone | -– | -– |
I (capital ‘i’) | Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time | 1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise. |
O | Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours | Example: +0200 |
P | Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes | Example: +02:00 |
T | Timezone abbreviation, if known; otherwise the GMT offset. | Examples: EST, MDT, +05… |
Z | Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive. | -43200 through 50400 |
Full Date/Time | -– | -– |
r | » RFC 2822 formatted date | Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200 |
U | Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) |
Locale-aware format characters
Format Character | Description | Example returned values |
Day | -– | -– |
%a | An abbreviated textual representation of the day | Sun through Sat |
%A | A full textual representation of the day | Sunday through Saturday |
%d | Two-digit day of the month (with leading zeros) | 01 to 31 |
%e | Day of the month, with a space preceding single digits. Not implemented as described on Windows. See below for more information. | 1 to 31 |
%j | Day of the year, 3 digits with leading zeros | 001 to 366 |
%u | ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week | 1 (for Monday) though 7 (for Sunday) |
%w | Numeric representation of the day of the week | 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) |
Week | -– | -– |
%U | Week number of the given year, starting with the first Sunday as the first week | 13 (for the 13th full week of the year) |
%V | ISO-8601:1988 week number of the given year, starting with the first week of the year with at least 4 weekdays, with Monday being the start of the week | 01 through 53 (where 53 accounts for an overlapping week) |
%W | A numeric representation of the week of the year, starting with the first Monday as the first week | 46 (for the 46th week of the year beginning with a Monday) |
Month | -– | -– |
%b | Abbreviated month name, based on the locale | Jan through Dec |
%B | Full month name, based on the locale | January through December |
%h | Abbreviated month name, based on the locale (an alias of %b) | Jan through Dec |
%m | Two digit representation of the month | 01 (for January) through 12 (for December) |
Year | -– | -– |
%C | Two digit representation of the century (year divided by 100, truncated to an integer) | 19 for the 20th Century |
%g | Two digit representation of the year going by ISO-8601:1988 standards (see %V) | Example: 09 for the week of January 6, 2009 |
%G | The full four-digit version of %g | Example: 2008 for the week of January 3, 2009 |
%y | Two digit representation of the year | Example: 09 for 2009, 79 for 1979 |
%Y | Four digit representation for the year | Example: 2038 |
Time | -– | -– |
%H | Two digit representation of the hour in 24-hour format | 00 through 23 |
%k | Hour in 24-hour format, with a space preceding single digits | 0 through 23 |
%I (upper-case ‘i’) | Two digit representation of the hour in 12-hour format | 01 through 12 |
%l (lower-case ‘L’) | Hour in 12-hour format, with a space preceeding single digits | 1 through 12 |
%M | Two digit representation of the minute | 00 through 59 |
%p | UPPER-CASE ‘AM’ or ‘PM’ based on the given time | Example: AM for 00:31, PM for 22:23 |
%P | lower-case ‘am’ or ‘pm’ based on the given time | Example: am for 00:31, pm for 22:23 |
%r | Same as “%I:%M:%S %p” | Example: 09:34:17 PM for 21:34:17 |
%R | Same as “%H:%M” | Example: 00:35 for 12:35 AM, 16:44 for 4:44 PM |
%S | Two digit representation of the second | 00 through 59 |
%T | Same as “%H:%M:%S” | Example: 21:34:17 for 09:34:17 PM |
%X | Preferred time representation based on locale, without the date | Example: 03:59:16 or 15:59:16 |
%z | Either the time zone offset from UTC or the abbreviation (depends on operating system) | Example: -0500 or EST for Eastern Time |
%Z | The time zone offset/abbreviation option NOT given by %z (depends on operating system) | Example: -0500 or EST for Eastern Time |
Time and Date Stamps | -– | -– |
%c | Preferred date and time stamp based on local | Example: Tue Feb 5 00:45:10 2009 for February 4, 2009 at 12:45:10 AM |
%D | Same as “%m/%d/%y” | Example: 02/05/09 for February 5, 2009 |
%F | Same as “%Y-%m-%d” (commonly used in database datestamps) | Example: 2009-02-05 for February 5, 2009 |
%s | Unix Epoch Time timestamp | Example: 305815200 for September 10, 1979 08:40:00 AM |
%x | Preferred date representation based on locale, without the time | Example: 02/05/09 for February 5, 2009 |
Miscellaneous | -– | -– |
%n | A newline character (“\n”) | -– |
%t | A Tab character (“\t”) | -– |
%% | A literal percentage character (“%”) | -– |
By setting this parameter to ‘1’, you can get the GMT equivalent of the date provided.
If you use the locale-aware format characters mentioned above, this parameter can be set to the locale desired for formatting the provided date.
<cms:date k_page_date format='%B %d, %Y' locale='french' />
<cms:date k_page_date format='%B %d, %Y' locale='italian' />
<cms:date k_page_date format='%B %d, %Y' locale='russian' charset='windows-1251'/>
This feature depends entirely on the indicated locale being available at your web server. If the locale is not available, the default 'english' locale is used.
Some locales do not provide their output in UTF8 character set. This causes strange ?? characters to appear in the output.
The date tag can help converting the output to UTF8 if you can provide it with information about the charset used by the locale.
For example -
<cms:date k_page_date format='%B %d, %Y' locale='greek' charset='ISO-8859-7' />
<cms:date k_page_date format='%B %d, %Y' locale='russian' charset='ISO-8859-5' />
The following is a rough list of the charset used by different languages -
Western Europe and Americas: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish.
ISO-8859-2 - Latin 2
Latin-written Slavic and Central European languages: Czech, German, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Croatian, Slovak, Slovene.
ISO-8859-3 - Latin 3
Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, and Turkish.
ISO-8859-4 - Latin 4
Scandinavia/Baltic (mostly covered by 8859-1 also): Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian. It is an incomplete predecessor of Latin 6.
ISO-8859-5 - Cyrillic
Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian.
ISO-8859-6 - Arabic
Non-accented Arabic.
ISO-8859-7 - Modern Greek
ISO-8859-8 - Hebrew
Non-accented Hebrew.
ISO-8859-9 - Latin 5
Same as 8859-1 except for Turkish instead of Icelandic
ISO-8859-10 - Latin 6
Latin6, for Lappish/Nordic/Eskimo languages: Adds the last Inuit (Greenlandic) and Sami (Lappish) letters that were missing in Latin 4 to cover the entire Nordic area.
Latin 1 languages: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Faroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Malay, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish
Central Europe languages: Albanian, Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian (Latin), Slovak, Slovenian
Baltic languages: Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian
Cyrillic languages: Azeri, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Mongolian, Russian, Serbian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Arabic, Farsi, Urdu
Turkic languages: Azeri (Latin), Turkish, Uzbek (Latin)
sample formats
A few ready-to-use format examples -
<cms:date format='Y-m-d H:i:s' /> (MySQL)
<cms:date format='D, d M Y H:i:s' /> (RSS)
<cms:date format='Y-m-d\TH:i:sP' /> (Atom)
<cms:date format='l, d-M-Y H:i:s T' /> (Cookie)
<cms:date format='l jS \of F Y h:i:s A' />
<cms:date format='F j, Y, g:i a' />
<cms:date format='m.d.y' />
<cms:date format='j/n/Y' />
<cms:date format='\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.' />
<cms:date format='D M j G:i:s T Y' />
relative dates
Dates can be set as strings, relative to current day or another date e.g.
Current -365 days: <cms:date '-365 days' />
Current +1 day: <cms:date '+1 day' />
Current +1 week: <cms:date '+1 week' />
Current +1 month: <cms:date '+1 month' />
Current +1 day 4 hours 2 seconds: <cms:date '+1 day 4 hours 2 seconds' />
First day of current week: <cms:date 'Monday this week' />
Last day of previous week: <cms:date 'Sunday last week' />
Next Thursday: <cms:date 'next Thursday' />
Last Monday: <cms:date 'last Monday' />
First day of next month: <cms:date 'first day of next month' />
First day of next month: <cms:date 'first day of next month' format='l' />
Last day of march 2009: <cms:date '2009-03 last day of this month' format='l, j/n/Y' />
Christmas Day next year: <cms:date '25 december next year' format='l, j/n/Y' />
Yesterday 14:00: <cms:date 'yesterday 14:00' format='j F, Y H:i'/>
Tomorrow: <cms:date 'tomorrow' format='Y-m-d' />
Tomorrow noon: <cms:date 'tomorrow noon' format='j F, Y H:i' />
A minute before midnight: <cms:date 'midnight -1 minute' format='H:i' />
date comparison
Compare dates with tag ‘cms:if’ & make sure the left-hand-side of the equation is a variable e.g.
<cms:set post_date="<cms:date k_page_date format='Ymd' />" />
<cms:if post_date lt "<cms:date format='Ymd' />" >
usage in filters
Use variables in custom_field as well (always use double quotes "
with expressions) e.g.
<cms:set curr_date="<cms:date format='Y-m-d H:i:s' />" />
<cms:pages custom_field="my_date <= <cms:show curr_date />">
This tag is self-closing and does not set any variables of its own.