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The folder tag is used to create virtual folders for a template. The folder tags support nesting within each other thus allowing the creation of an hierarchy of virtual folders.

Please see Core Concepts - Folders for a detailed explanation of this tag.


  • name
  • title
  • desc
  • weight


The mandatory name of the folder. Has to be unique for the template.
Only lowercase[a-z], numerals[0-9] hyphen and underscore permitted


The more user friendly displayable title. Can be duplicate unlike name.




A folder can be given a number as its weight. This parameter then can be used to list the folders in any desired order while enumerating them using Couch folders tag. The bigger the number (the heavier the weight), the lower down a folder appears in the sort order. Default weight is 0. You can specify a negative number to make a folder appear higher up.


This tag sets no parameters of its own.